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Noodles Foodle Name

Noodles? Noodle? 'That's a girls name!' No, it's my name! I'm Noodles and I was named after the delicious food my daddy cooks! I even had a Noodle on my back when I was born so you could tell me apart!

Plenty of competition for food in my family of five!

As you can see I came from a large family and was one of the smallest so competition for food was fierce! Luckily it's just me and my humans now so all the dog food is mine and I only have to fight for treats!

One of my recent favourites was broccoli which I much prefer to king prawns, they're for trying to hide but broccoli cannot wait. I particularly like stalks and the fresh frozen ones I've had recently are perfect for my tiny teeth. That brings me to the irony of my name...I can't eat noodles! They'd have to be chopped into tiny manageable pieces.

Anyway, this is my food blog to tell you what my humans have been eating and whether it has been worth the wait! I've been wanting to do this for ages but it took me a while to master QWERTY....

It took me a while...

Well, now you know why I'm Noodles but if you want to try the original then head over to Daddy's page and check out The Right Wok!

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